Welcome To REBUILD

As a leading global outdoor patio decking price, we offer the best products.


Our ambition is to provide you with high quality authentic products and provide excellent pre-sales and after-sales services. Your trust is our motivation.

  • Quality Assurance

    Quality Assurance

    We solemnly promise you that all the products you buy are original brand products.

  • Attentive Service

    Attentive Service

    We will wholeheartedly solve any problems and difficulties you encounter during the shopping process

  • Advantageous Supply Chain

    Advantageous Supply Chain

    We has an advantageous product supply chain, providing various models of first-line brands including DOWSIL(Dow Corning), Sika, Wacker,GE, etc.


our Products

Guarantee of Quality Authentic

Professional supply brand sealant, products are exported to all over the world.

who we are

Shanghai BM Industrial Co., Ltd located in Shanghai, China.

It is a special sealant and adhesive supplier in China, with 30 years of sealant supply experience.

When it comes to sealing gaps and joints, silicone sealants are the solution of choice for a variety of industries and individuals looking for a reliable and durable adhesive. When you are looking for a trusted and reputable supplier of Silicone Sealants, look no further. Our company is proud to offer a wide range of silicone sealants from leading brands such as Dowsil, Waker, Sika and other leading manufacturers.



  • t1
  • dow
  • GE
  • Sika
  • wacker
  • hzhb